Mission & Vision

Why We Exist

Antioch Christian Academy exists to prepare servants to impact the world for Jesus Christ. That is so much more than just a statement. It is the heartbeat of who we are. It reminds us that we are called to imitate Jesus Christ in service to God and to others. We want our service to make a difference. We desire to train students who go into the world and make a kingdom impact. Our purpose is so much bigger than a diploma. Our purpose is to prepare students to succeed in life and, most importantly, to succeed in eternity. 

Our Pillars

Our mission rests on three primary pillars:
Spiritual Transformation, Academic Excellence, and Purposeful Community.

We want you to know what we mean by these three phrases:

1) Spiritual Transformation: When our students leave ACA, we believe we will have succeeded if they know Jesus Christ as their Savior, are maturing in their spiritual walk, and are asking "God, what do you want from my life?"

2) Academic Excellence: We believe that anything we do for the Lord should be done with all our might and with excellence. When it comes to educating our students, we want to craft a plan that delivers the most engaging, rigorous, and captivating educational experience possible.

3) Purposeful Community: Simply stated, we don't want our students to just attend here. We want them to belong here. That includes our ACA families and stakeholders, as well. We believe life and the Christian faith are lived out in community, and we want our Gator community to be the best example of that truth. 

Core Values

When we talk about core values, we are speaking of the things that are the most important to us as an institution. They are the things we are most passionate about as we carry out our mission.

Jesus reminded us that it is the truth that sets us free, and we want our students to know that there is such a thing as truth and it can only be found in God.
We want our students to be characterized by the highest standards of honesty and morality. We want to teach them to allow the Bible to inform them on what it means to be men and women of integrity.
Relationships form the bedrock of our lives on earth, and we want Antioch to be a place where some of the most valuable and beneficial relationships are formed. We want our school to be a place where students are loved, valued, and called to be a part of something bigger than any individual.
Jesus reminded us that the one to whom much is given much is required from. God has equipped us all with different gifts, talents, and abilities and it is our responsibility to use those for his glory. Whether it is in the classroom, on the field, or in the community, we want our students to be stewarding what God has blessed them with.
The apostle Peter reminded the early church that believers are to never stop growing. We want that to be true of our students. We want them to be lifelong learners and be continuously growing in both mind, body, and spirit. 

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